Windmill provides Day service to adults with mild to moderate intellectual disability. Currently the Service is extended to 40 individuals. Being responsive to arising needs Windmill plans to open additional Service locations and thus create opportunities for the progression and development of an increased number of individuals.
Windmill’s aim is to support those who access the Service to develop and employ the skills necessary to enable them achieve a sense of self-worth, self-actualization and fulfilment and achieve their rightful place in their communities as equally valued citizens.
This aim is achieved by employing a person centred approach, within a social and human rights based model of practice in line with social policy New Directions. We provide individualized supports and scaffolding against the background of therapeutic training programmes. The training programmes aim to create and provide a safe and stress free environment in which each individual is enabled to grow, develop and use both personal and practical skills, and at their own pace. The individualized programmes, being responsive to needs and goals which are identified in the Person Centred Planning Process, and being focused on enabling community inclusion takes place within and external to Windmill, out into the wider community. The supports are provided to individuals within regular working hours and beyond, and in response to the needs and goals of those who access the Service.
last updated on: 19.04.2023